Why is the HALOW Project important to you?
“The HALOW Project supports young adults with learning difficulties to gain independence and live a normal life. I don’t think the importance of this can be overlooked. So many of the day-to-day tasks we take for granted are not taught at school. These life lessons include getting a job, making friends, doing the weekly shop and managing your money.
“The HALOW Project focuses on teaching young adults the skills they need to carry out these tasks. At the end of the ride, we listened to HALOW members talk about their experiences which just reinforced the importance of the work the charity does. It was very emotive listening to how impactful it has been for them.
“Independence is something many of us take for granted. It is very easy to go through life not considering the difficulties faced by others, who may not be as fortunate as you. The charity champions the often forgotten and unconsidered young adults who could face a life of care. It gives them opportunities and puts them in a position to control their lives, which is why I believe so strongly in the work they do.”